Dr. Chiara Redini
Focus: Incorporation, M&A, Corporate Migrations, Technology and IP Law, Assets and IP Management, Legal Due Diligence and Corporate Governance, Agency/Distributorship Agreements
Chiara is a Legal Counsellor at Eunepa, with a focus on incorporation and asset management. She is an Italian lawyer with international bar-experience. In her almost twenty years of professional experience, she has focused on cross-border transactions linked to problems caused by legal incompatibility and compliance, and cultural differences. As attorney-at-law, and then as external and in-house counsel, she has gained substantial competences in Company Law, Technology Law, Intellectual Property Law (IP Law), Data Protection, M&A, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Good Governance, and Human Rights.
Recently, she has lectured Management of IP Law and IP Management, Public Law, and Introduction to Academic Writing at the New Design University, St. Pölten, Austria.
Chiara graduated from Palermo University of Law with a doctoral thesis on public procurement within the European Union, and holds a Master’s Degree in Technology and Intellectual Property Law from the University of Liverpool with a thesis on the Enforcement of the EU Data Protection Principles in the US and China, Jurisdiction Borders and Extra-Territoriality Efficacy. She speaks German, English and Italian.

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Eurasian Nexus Partners
Wiedner Hauptstrasse 142 / Top 5
1050 Vienna
Office: +43 1 996 2078
Email: info@eunepa.com