In the Press
The Economist – Pomegranate the Middle East
23 Sep 2013
As Iran’s new president, Hassan Rohani, heads to New York to address the UN General Assembly and likely hold talks with Barack Obama, minds are focused on whether or not this could herald a thaw in relations between America and the Islamic Republic. Will Mr Rohani be able to cut a deal with the West over his country’s disputed nuclear programme and ease the sanctions which are crippling the Iranian economy? Is Iran’s apparent change of policy tactical or strategic?ngs and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.
National Iranian American Council: Hill Briefing: Rouhani Election Presents West With Golden Opportunity
25 Jul 2013
“It is true that the Supreme Leader [of Iran] is the most influential person but in fact the election of Rouhani shows that the Supreme Leader is not the lone decision maker because if he would have been he would have not decided to allow Rouhani to run,” said Bijan Khajehpour, a Tehran-based strategic consultant with a PhD in Business Administration.
The Cairo Review of Global Affairs: The Trouble with Sanctions
21 Jul 2013
Sanctions on Iran have taken on a life of their own as the relationship between Washington and Tehran has steadily deteriorated. Sanctions were initially imposed nearly thirty-four years ago in response to the Iran hostage crisis—when revolutionaries seized the U.S. embassy in Tehran and held diplomats hostage for 444 days.
Are times a changing? Will Rowhani’s election change Iran’s policy on Syria and Hezbollah?
18 Jun 2013
Rowhani’s election has given a new and cautious hope in the region. Indeed, his election was welcomed by Arab Gulf countries who see in Rowhani, as Khatami before him, an administration perhaps more open to the world. Although experts argue that Iran’s presidents rarely have a say in the country’s foreign policy, thus eliminating any hope for change of policy toward Hezbollah and Syria, others argue.
BBC: Economic troubles loom over Iran presidential election
12 Jun 2013
As Iran prepares to elect a new president, the country’s economy is in its worst state for decades, with high inflation, soaring unemployment and negative growth. The issue appears to be on every voter’s mind ahead of polling day.
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung: „Iran als Teil der Lösung“
7 Jun 2013
Der Hauptabteilungsleiter der Europäischen und Internationalen Zusammenarbeit, Dr. Gerhard Wahlers, reflektierte in seiner Eingangsrede die Erfahrungen der internationalen Gemeinschaft mit den vergangenen Präsidentschaften von Chatami und Ahmadinedschad. Er stellte dabei heraus, dass gerade in der menschenrechtspolitischen Bilanz deutliche Unterschiede zwischen beiden Präsidenten zu erkennen waren.e module Advanced settings.
Al-Monitor “Iran’s Youth Key to Elections”
31 May 2013
Experts agree that Iran has witnessed a socio-economic transformation in the past two decades. This transformation is not just seen in simple quantitative aspects (such as population growth and urbanization), but also some structural and value-based realities that will have an impact on the future of Iranian society.
Al-Monitor “The Future of Subsidy Reforms After Iran’s Presidential Election”
3 May 2013
Iran’s subsidy reforms have been among the most significant, but also most controversial socioeconomic initiatives in recent years. Now that Iran is preparing for the post-Ahmadinejad era, it is appropriate to examine how the planned continuation of this program will be affected by the emergence of a new administration in the second half of 2013.
Moving towards an Iranian deal
19 Apr 2013
After the latest round of talks over Iran’s nuclear program this month, Europe’s foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton struck a cautious tone. “For the first time that I’ve seen, [there has been] a real back and forward between” Iranian and international negotiators, she told the press following this month’s talks in Kazakhstan. But, she stressed, the parties “remain far apart.”
Die politischen Folgen von Misswirtschaft und Sanktionen im Iran
26 Mar 2013
Der iranische Wirtschaftsexperte Bijan Khajehpour wurde im Rahmen der Verhaftungswellen nach den Präsidentschaftswahlen 2009 monatelang im berüchtigten Evin-Gefängnis in Teheran inhaftiert. Aufgrund der hohen Zahl dort einsitzender Intellektueller wird das Evin-Gefängnis längst im Volksmund „Evin-Universität“ genannt.
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