In the Press
NIAC | Maximizing the Opening with Iran: How President Trump Can Secure American Interests in the Middle East (PDF)
29 Nov 2016
New report signed by 76 experts, including Atieh International partner Bijan Khajehpour, who is also one of the report’s authors, urges President Trump to maximize diplomacy with Iran.
Washington, DC – It lies in the interest of the United States to build on the Iran nuclear deal to resolve remaining tensions with Iran and help stabilize the Middle East, argues a new report signed by 76 national security experts and published by the National Iranian American Council. Maximizing the Opening with Iran: How President Trump Can Secure American Interests in the Middle East provides concrete policy recommendations on eight issues critical to U.S. national security: From the fight against ISIS, to the bilateral relationship with Iran, to the Saudi-Iranian rivalry, to the stabilization of Iraq and Afghanistan, to sanctions relief and Human Rights in Iran.
Signatories include Ronald Reagan’s former Assistant Secretary of Defense Larry Korb, Colin Powell’s former Chief of Staff Larry Wilkerson, former U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia and Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Affairs Chas Freeman, Ploughshares President Joe Cirincione, former National Intelligence Officer for the Near East and South Asia Paul Pillar, prominent scholars Andrew Bacevich, John Mearsheimer, Juan Cole, Stephen Walt, Robert Jervis, and Barnett Rubin, as well as international best-selling authors Reza Aslan and Rula Jebreal, and Atieh International partner and economist Bijan Khajehpour.
Al-Monitor | Iran’s Pipeline Politics Reaches Iraqi Kurdistan
29 Jun 2016
For the past two decades, energy interconnectivity has been one of the pillars of Iran’s regional relations. From the early days of the so-called oil swap deals between Iran and Central Asia in the 1990s through the expansion of a regionally structured grid of gas pipelines, and to a growing connectivity of electricity grids, Iran has gradually become the region’s main energy hub. In this process, Iran is not just…
Al Jazeera | Bijan Khajehpour on Iran Reviving Its Energy Industry
21 Jun 2016
Bijan Khajehpour in an interview with Al Jazeera English on Iran’s energy industry, protection of investors, and possible scenarios after the US presidential election vs opportunities.
Il Sole |Così Teheran si apre all’Italia (PDF)
15 Jun 2016
“L’analista iraniano: grandi opportunità, ma le nostre banche devono adeguarsi”
Bijan Khajehpour in an interview to Italy’s “Il Sole 24 ore
Al Jazeera | Bijan Khajehpour on Rouhani’s Visit to Paris
29 Jan 2016
Originally aired on AlJazeera English on 28 January 2016
Ö1 | Wirtschaftswelt blickt auf den Iran
19 Jan 2016
Nach dem gelungenen Atomabkommen fallen für den Iran nicht nur die internationalen Wirtschafts- und Finanzsanktionen weg. Auch viele Milliarden auf eingefrorenen Konten werden frei.
Der in Wien lebende iranische Ökonom Bijan Khajehpour im Gespräch mit Barbara Ladinser.
La Vanguardia | ¿Qué se puede esperar del ‘nuevo’ Irán?
19 Jan 2016
Coverage in Spanish media.
El levantamiento de las sanciones mejora el estatus del país en la región, augura la llegada de inversores internacionales y facilita la apertura del régimen
Al Jazeera | Iran rejoins world economy as sanctions are lifted
17 Jan 2016
Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani has described as “historic” and a “great victory” the lifting of sanctions against Iran, declaring that the country is now reopening its doors to the international economy.
For Iran, long frozen out of the global economy for its contested atomic programme, implementing the nuclear deal will be a welcome change.
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