+43 1 9962078 info@eunepa.com

Amir Pahlavnejad, CT, RT, LM


Focus: Organisations, Leadership & Coaching Psychology

Amir’s mission is committed to continuous personal growth and development; helping individuals and teams, improving their quality of life and performance. 

Amir is a certified professional coach (BCC), licensed counsellor, HRD consultant, experienced trainer and facilitator, translator and author. He has more than 20 years of experience.

Amir closely works with board members and directors in private (local and multinational) companies, supporting them in structuring and restructuring organisations, defining and implementing talent management strategies, identifying, placing and developing talents; coaching executives in transition stages, coaching and developing directors and managers to perform and implement performance dialogues, and facilitating higher team performances. 

Amir started his formal career as a Production Lead in the UK in 1998, and then continued it in Iran as a Production Manager in the manufacturing sector. In 2005, he shifted his career to Human Resources Consulting, while joining Atieh Roshan Consulting, the leading and pioneer HR consulting firm in the market. His leadership development and executive coaching activities started in 2009. He is the Chairman of the Board of Atieh Roshan Consulting, the founder of RaiMana Coaching & Leadership Institute, and also works as a freelance senior coach and consultant with Olver International (USA) and EUNEPA (Austria). 

Amir has a diverse academic background. His first degree was in Engineering (BSc), then a vocational Master’s in Management, and finally a Master’s and Ph.D. in Counselling Psychology. Amir is also a faculty member of William Glasser international (CT, RT, LM). 

As a coach, Amir uses an integrative approach in coaching psychology. His approach blends modern psychology science with practical evidence-based coaching strategies, supporting sustainable quality results in dealing with diverse and different client’s needs. He has translated and written more than 10 books on life and executive coaching and personal development. 

Amir loves spending time with his family and friends. He is a keen sportsman and a martial art coach. Amir lives in Tehran, and is fluent in English and Persian.

Some of his international clients include: Bayer Parsian, Renault Pars, MTN, Sasol, Edison, Carrefour (Maf Pars), Schneider Electric.

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