Human Resource Management Trends in Iran’s Economic Crisis
Economic downturns have diverse consequences for international companies. One of the less considered aspects is the impact of phenomena such as inflation and economic decline on the human resources (HR) management of companies active in international markets.
HR decisions need to consider how to adjust compensation and benefits to retain key employees, but also how to modify the composition of staff members to respond to market shifts resulting from new economic conditions, including fluctuations in the talent pool as a result of migration and/or withdrawal of companies from the market.
The current situation in Iran is an interesting case study. On the one side, many companies have had to downsize their operations due to the re-imposed US sanctions. On the other side, the current economic stagflation has generated HR challenges that require strategic responses. Questions such as how to engage staff members in the process of HR policy adjustments as a consequence of the economic crisis, on what basis to increase compensation and benefits etc.
To identify the best practices in the market, our Tehran office has conducted a survey entitled Human Resource Management Trends in Iran’s Economic Crisis which addresses a number of relevant questions. The practices identified in this report are not just applicable to Iran, but to any market that experiences sudden economic upheavals leading to a crisis mode in HR decisions.
With regards to the Iranian market, this report can be used in combination with our Iran Annual Compensation Survey to facilitate a number of your strategic HR decisions.
Report Details
Human Resource Management Trends in Iran’s Economic Crisis
Year: 2019
Document: PDF (30+ pages)
Price: €500
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
List of Participants
Overall View in Economic Crisis
- Importance of Human Resource Management from Senior Management Point of View
- Actions Taken to Engage Employees During Economic Crisis
- Challenges During Economic Crisis
a. Business Challenges
b. Human Resource Challenges - Increase/Decrease of Budget in Different Departments During Economic Crisis
a. Budget Increase in Different Departments
b. Budget Decrease in Different Departments - Workload Changes During Economic Crisis
a. Workload Increase
b. Workload Decrease
Compensation and Benefit
- Additional Salary Review Due to Current Economic Crisis
a. Provision of Additional Salary Review
b. Months that Additional Salary Review Was Done - Additional Salary Increase Due to Current Economic Crisis
a. Provision of Additional Salary Increase
b. Amount of Additional Salary Increase
c. Months Additional Salary Increase Applied
d. Factors That Influenced the Decision For Additional Base Salary Increase - Allocation of Lump-Sum Payment to Employees
a. Provision of Lump-Sum Payment to Employees
b. Lump-Sum Payment as a Percentage of Annual Basic Salary
c. Lump-Sum Payment as a Fixed Amount - Changes in Benefit Package
a. Companies Applying Changes in Their benefit Package Due to Current Economic Crisis
b. The Benefit Items Which Changes Have Been Applied to or Planned to Apply
c. Changes Have Been Applied vs. Planned to Apply - Changes in Indirect Payment Package
a. Companies Applying Changes in Their Indirect Payment Package Due to Current Economic Crisis
b. Indirect Payment Items Which Changes Have Been Applies to or Planned to Apply
c. Changes Have Been Applied vs. Planned to Apply in Indirect Payments - Challenges Faced During Implementation of Changes in Compensation and Benefit System Due to Current Economic Crisis
- Sales Incentive Earnings Calculation Before Economic Crisis
a. Method of Sales Incentive Earnings Calculation Before Current Economic Crisis
b. Changes in Sales Incentive Calculations During the Economic Crisis
c. Commission to Base Salary Ration Changes in Economic Crisis
Motivation and Performance
- The Effect of Current Economic Crisis on Retention of Employees
- Actual Attrition Rate from April 2018 to November 2018 Based on Different Job Categories
- Projected Attrition Rate from November 2018 to March 2019 Based on Different Job Categories
- The Reason/s of Employees Turn Over During Economic Crisis
- The Effect of Current Economic Crisis on the Performance of Employees
a. The Effect on Employees’ Performance Based on Different Job Categories
b. Perceived Range of the Effect - Changes on Indexes of Performance Appraisal System
Training and Development
- Changes in Training Budget Due to Economic Crisis
a. Overall Changes in Training Budget
b. Training Budget Decrease Based on Different Job Categories - Availability of Overseas Training During Current Economic Crisis
a. Availability of Overseas Training
b. Percentage of Budget Decrease for Overseas Training
c. Adding Specific Training Topics to Training Program Due to the Economic Crisis
d. Provision of Coaching/Mentoring or Counselling Services for Senior Management Team During Current Economic Crisis
Employees Planning-Reduction
- Reduction of Employees Due to the Economic Crisis
- Percentage of Reduced Employees Due to the Economic Crisis
- Percentage of Reduced Employees Due to the Economic Crisis in Different Job Categories
- Percentage of Reduced Employees Categorized By Gender
- Covering Empty Job Positions After Reduction for Cost Cutting
- Determining Factors for Reduction of Employees

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